Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Longing

What is this place again..?
Oh...the black snowflakes,
It’s the time of year again,
When the air gives you…a sense of longing.

Someone once told me about that
saying birds can fly freely anywhere,
But if there was no place to rest their wings,
They might regret being born with that blessing.

A bird like that with no place to go,
Is like a person living a boring life behind a wall,
Unable to climb over or tear it down…
Is this because he doesn’t have a goal?

A boy like that living for himself,
Actually prefers the moon over the sun,
He probably doesn’t realize how colourless his life is,
But he probably felt there was something he missed.

A loner like that living alone…
under his snow covered home,
Is no different from a workaholic,
Because once in awhile he probably
wished there is somewhere to go to…
And someone to come home too.

A single person like me
is just like a snow covered tree,
Because at this time of the year,
It makes your mind all so clear,
That you need someone so dear,
For new leaves to bloom instead of tears.