So here I am at midnight,
Trying to think of what to write,
Actually I was suppose to do this hours ago,
But procrastination got the best of me,
And every second passing is making me sleepy.
So...congrats for graduating!
Isn't it one of the best feelings?
No more classes and plenty of rest,
But life isn't done giving you tests.
What does the future hold?
No one is certain for sure,
But it's either you sit back or be bold,
Coz there's a diff between a woman and a girl.
Don't be anxious about the future too much,
Even the most interesting people that I know,
Who are in their 60's still don't know,
Even though they have all the money,
Time got cruel to their knees,
And then succumbed into mid life crisis, scary.
I don't think I'm in the position,
To tell you what you should do about your life,
Because it's your life,
You're the director, the script writer, and the actor,
(or actress in you're a girl lol)
And I'm merely just a fan in the audience,
But I won't mind being your guidance,
Share I will with my working experience.
The race is a long winding road,
And it's not really about the end or the start,
It's the journey,
Sure there's no save point to reload,
A perfect alibi to protect your heart,
Though is that necessary?
Cause you know as the saying goes,
There's no gain without pain.
I guess that's enough from me,
I should really go to sleep,
Consider this as your graduation gift,
Not sure if it can give you a lift,
But I hope it's something you can keep,
Who knows? One day you'd be able to take the leap.